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Every concept is different and has its own features and challenges. Before going to far in the design workflow, we can provide you with a free feasibility study of your idea. If you have images or a storyboard available, we could make you save a lot of time and energy by proofing your concept. Here is a list of suggestions for your consideration:

  • Special Effects Available
    While it is possible to blend both 3D and animation on the same print, one must consider that to much image data will be challenging for the humain brain to process. When dealing with the 3D lenticular printing media, it is a good idea to keep it simple and as a rule of thumb, less is always better in term of performances. A busy concept may leave the wrong impression with observers, making them walk away with a negative viewing experience.
  • How Many Frames?
    A 24 frames animation will provide a more fluid result, at the expense of less clarity. If your subject is a car racing on the track, this will work better since the blurring effect of the 24 frames will create speed simulation. Click here to see a sample of such concept.
    However, if you are promoting a cosmetic product showing the transformation of a face, you will be better served with a before and after approach, keeping all details and better clarity of the face attributes. Click here to see a sample of a flip 2 phase.
  • Avoid High Contrast
    Avoid having any items in the concept changing from black to white. Highly saturated colors, solid lines illustrations, solid black ink from one frame will not disappear into a white or pale background and you will see a residual image of this first frame at all positions all the time.
    The phenomena is called Ghosting. See a sample here of high contrast solid red on white back and ghosting results and see another sample here of a reversed situation, the same red but on a black background. Darker backgrounds as well as textures will absorb the information better and minimize the ghosting effect.
  • Motion Configuration
    Up/Down works better than Side/Side. With lenticular animations, images that animate when tilted up/down work better than animations that moves side/side. The clarity of an up/down movement configuration will always be much better than side/side, and with a smaller handheld image size, it will feel more natural to tilt the print up/down.
  • Keep Images in Registration
    If images are of the same size, they need to be in registration one on top of the other, when possible. This will minimize distorsion and ghosting.
    See here a sample of dark eyes makeup working well and see here a sample where the positioning of the eyes is not optimized.
  • Keep Text Size Above 10 Point
    Avoid fine lines and small text. Fine lines will break up under the lens creating a pixelated look that will render your text poorly.
  • Make Sure to Add Texture When Creating a 3D Sequence.
    When possible, backgrounds should not be solid colors since it will not provide a good depth cue to the viewer. An alternative to a solid color would be the addition of textured image data or image noise.
  • Good Depth Cues for Creating a 3D Lenticular Image.
    Elements that overlap even so slightly, are great depth cues and will enhance the 3D illusion while optimizing depth. Keep in mind that cool colors tend to recede and warmer colors will project more.
  • Adding Depth Files or Depth Maps
    Adding depth maps for each layers or selected layers, will give your images a rounded look, or image relief that mirrors the way your eyes view the objects, thereby providing a more realistic simulation. While depth files are not required, they will reduce the flat layer appearance between the layers.
  • Resolution
    The lenticular lens will magnify and project all image data, and low resolution graphics will show all flaws such as noise, banding, pixels etc... In order to produce a quality lenticular render, it is very important to use a resolution of at least 300 DPI, at the actual size.
    Simply stated, perception of depth is due to the fact that we have two eyes offset from each other, which view our world from two different perspectives. Our brain processes these different views and converge them to deliver the illusion of depth.